Zhanina Marinova
Born in 1994 in Varna, Bulgaria, Zhanina Marinova studied Graphics and Printmaking at the University of Applied Arts in Vienna Austria where she currently lives and works as a Visual artist and Printmaker.
By rendering imagination as a sort of materialized fiction, which for her is strongly connected with the idea of the relation between presence and absence, Marinova invents her own reality and explores the deep constellations of perception, thoughts, feelings and memories. Working primarily in the field of screen printing, drawing, installation and book arts, Marinova uses such diverse materials as fabrics, paper, transparent foils and wood as canvases for her screen prints. With such an array of surfaces, the only constant is the large scale.
The exhibition soft - bound is the first presentation of her new works on plexiglass.
(no)opening: Mittwoch, 28.10.2020, 17.00 - 20.00 Uhr
Laufzeit: 29. Oktober - 04. Dezember 2020
Di - Fr 12.00 - 17.00 Uhr - derzeit ist die Ausstellung aufgrund des allgemeinen Lockdown geschlossen. Die Arbeiten können allerdings durch die großen Auslagenscheiben gesehen werden.
Galerie Rudolf Leeb
1010 Wien, Bauernmarkt 11 -13
Ausstellungsansichten Zhanina Marinova "Soft-Bound", Galerie Rudolf Leeb Stadtgeschäft